The Forgotten - Tale Of The Dead (Mystery Rooms 2.0)

Room Detail


The Forgotten - Tale Of The Dead (Mystery Rooms 2.0)

The Investigation of a mysterious disappearance of a little girl met a dead end as it led to an ancient dungeon in the city which is supposedly haunted. Unconvinced by the fate of the high-profile case, you decide to carry out the investigation independently and bring out the truth hidden in the haunted. But are you curious enough to face the dark reality and risk your life?

Recommended team size: 2-8 players.

Difficulty Level: 5 / 5

The Investigation of a mysterious disappearance of a little girl met a dead end as it led to an ancient dungeon in the city which is supposedly haunted. Unconvinced by the fate of the high-profile case, you decide to carry out the investigation independently and bring out the truth hidden in the haunted. But are you curious enough to face the dark reality and risk your life?

Recommended team size: 2-8 players.

Difficulty Level: 5 / 5

  • Location Delhi
  • Branch Mystery Rooms 2.0
  • Address 3rd Floor, D-213, Ring Rd, D Block, Mansarover Garden, New Delhi, Delhi, 110015

1 review for Lockout - A Prison Break Challenge
Crystal Jimenez ( United States – June 21, 2017 )

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur.

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